Sunday, March 18, 2012

A study of glass

Fuchsia was my 1st flower painting. I haven't really painted flowers in oil either and really enjoyed painting it. Had been wondering what to paint next and was reminded of this pic from my sister's album which I had always wanted to paint but couldn't come around to it. This picture was taken by my sis during her vacation in Germany. I found it challenging as I have never painted a glass before. Painting white is challenging too and the only white when you are working with water color is your paper!

 I didn't track the time taken to paint it but I must have taken the longest in drawing the goblet. I had a hard time getting the shape right! The other challenge was saving the whites. I don't have a white pen so couldn't reinstate the highlights.


Blogger Jacques said...
Your paintings have a very personal style because of the high contrast you are using, very unusual in watercolour but very expressive. Nice rendering of the glass, you managed to get a definite transparancy of the glass which is very difficult.
March 18, 2012 2:22 PM
Blogger Mamta said...
Thanks Jacques. I am used to working with oils and still learning to work with water color. Maybe that explains the high contrast in my work.
March 18, 2012 2:53 PM
Blogger Monique said...
I too love your darks and your beautiful colours. The glass is fabulous too, and the flower inside so delicate. Great work!
March 18, 2012 3:08 PM
Blogger Sue Grilli said...
beautiful work with the glass, that is fairly difficult in watercolor.
March 18, 2012 7:49 PM
Blogger Clare said...
This is spectacular. I can't believe how wonderful your glass is! I also love the colors that you used.
March 19, 2012 10:52 AM
Blogger Mamta said...
Thanks everyone! I actually have a very limited palette. I just try to create whatever I can with it.
March 19, 2012 1:32 PM
Blogger Nancy said...
VERY DRAMATIC piece! Love the flowers and the really showed up the glass by putting a dark background. Really beautiful Mamta!
March 19, 2012 8:48 PM
Blogger Laure Ferlita said...
Very well done, Mamta! You've done an excellent job on the glass reflection. Love the way you've built depth in by letting us see a bloom through the glass in the background. I also applaud the artistic license you've used to change the containers on either side to a rich rose color rather than the black in the image. The only place I would suggest change would be in the base of the glass. It almost reads as brass rather than glass. I would suggest adding in some of the blues and greens that would surely be reflected there even if they don't show clearly in the photo reference. Very well done, Mamta!


  1. These are beautiful. Are they up for sale??

    1. Thanks Momin! These are tiny sketches done in an art journal. Not something that can be put up on the wall. Also I don't like the quality of the paper and the color so wouldn't sell them. Thanks for showing interest. Will let you know when I have some quality work available.
