Sunday, March 11, 2012

Door into the ruins

My first painting in water color. I so hated it! It's actually a journal. Not a work I considered worth posting but this blog was created to track my progress specifically in water colors and this is my first painting with it, so I guess it deserves to be here. I didn't think too high of water colors as a medium till I saw work done with it online and was inspired. Though oil is what I started with, which remains my first love (view my blog -A paint of view) and I find water colors a bit challenging, I guess the medium is here to stay in my palette!

It also is my first assignment from  An imaginary trip  I was so nervous while posting it but to my surprise received some encouraging comments and critiques....


Blogger Justine said...
I love the mixtures of colors around the door in your final image! Justine
March 9, 2012 3:31 PM
Blogger Sue said...
Your door just glows! I love greens and we're in Ireland, so why not have green bricks:)
March 9, 2012 11:15 PM
Blogger Monique said...
I agree with Justine and Sue: those colours really glow, and make this a very nice page.
March 10, 2012 9:24 AM
Blogger TheAntiquePalette said...
You took what I thought was kind of a boring scene, so gray and plain, and made it come alive, I love it! Putting the window box on the right lower corner is a nice touch, too.
March 10, 2012 10:13 AM
Blogger Kathy B. said...
I love the railing - is it painted? or pen work? or...? And how interesting to add TWO paintings - great idea.
March 10, 2012 2:22 PM
Blogger Laure Ferlita said...
When I look at your interpretation of the door, I think of this as an emotion response to the beauty of the place rather than the actual colors of the place—bravo! Very well done. Love the balance you created by putting the flower box in the lower corner. Looking over your pigment list (Mamta is in India and had some trouble getting the supplies for the class), I see your only blue is Cerulean. Cerulean doesn't generally mix well because it is a very heavy sediment type page. It's best mixed with yellows and some other blues or greens, but not so much with siennas. Any chances of coming up with a cobalt or ultramarine blue? You could get by with just one. That would make it much easier to get the grays you're after. Another alternative would be to mix to try using viridian and permanent rose to get a grey. Try adding just a touch of the viridian to the rose and see how it goes. This will give you a brownish grey. As for mustering courage....this is a class....this is where we learn, experiment, play and have fun. Don't hesitate to post. We all learn from each other's challenges. I think your work is very well done and I look forward to seeing where this trip takes you!
March 10, 2012 5:08 PM
Blogger Sue Grilli said...
I did the door also and those grays were a challenge! I love that you went outside the box and added some color in there. And the window box is darling!
March 10, 2012 7:13 PM
Blogger Mamta said...
Thanks everyone. I actually was very disappointed with my work. Your comments are encouraging. Kathy I painted the railing with a black student water color. Black is not something I generally use but Burnt umber is the darkest color in my palette which I used on the door. I needed something darker so..
March 11, 2012 6:36 AM
Blogger Mamta said...
Thanks Laure. I will try and get ultramarine blue. It may take a while. Till then I guess I will have to work with what I've got.
March 11, 2012 6:41 AM
Blogger Diane D said...
Mamta, This is a lovely page. I really like the doorway and ironwork. The colours glow. And I love the flower box. Well done!
March 11, 2012 2:53 PM
Blogger Marie said...
Hi Mamta, I tried this door also and I like yours much, much better than mine. Your feelings as well as your technique show your wonderful abilities. Looking forward to seeing your other work.
March 11, 2012 11:31 PM
Blogger Nancy said...
I agree with everyone's comments! I think your window just glows! Instead of using black paint, you could draw on top of your image when it's done with a black pen. I sometimes do that with little lines...and then I don't have to worry about the ink being water soluable, because I do it when I'm finsihed painting. Love your flower got some nice light to that. Love the feel of this page!
March 12, 2012 10:14 AM
Blogger Mamta said...
Thanks Diane. Thanks Marie, we are always the biggest critics of our own work. Had I been working in isolation I might just have given up. I would love to see your work too. Thanks Nancy. Using a black pen is a great idea! I am unsure If I would be able to create the lose effect I desired with a pen though.
March 13, 2012 4:21 AM

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