Woops! Forgot the edit part! The water fall is just so cluttered. Couldn't get the water right either. I wish I had selected the Fuchsia bushes for the second painting (in center) instead. At least the page would have looked better. Landscape has never been my forte on top of that it was a timed assignment of 20 min. Couldn't finish it in time though. Had to improvise later.
- Very nicely done, again! I think your waterfall looks great, it draws your eyes and then you follow around to the other scenes. I'm hesitating on this lesson, they all look a bit daunting! So many beautiful scenic places to capture that it's also hard to decide which to try. Doing 3 is a good idea.
- I really like the colours you've used in the waterfall image, I've kept to green and that was not a succes, I think yours is a lot more interesting. And your page lay-out works very well too.
- Thanks Susie, I too had a hard time deciding what to paint. It actually was a bit intimidating too as I don't do landscapes much! Thanks Monique, I love your waterfall. You captured the flowing water beautifully! :)
- Hi Mamta I think you captured a whole lot in 20 min and your waterfall stands out very well. Water is so difficult to paint but your waterfall is clearly flowing.
- Very well done, Mamta! Love those dark values in the bottom two images! Very nice job on the waterfall. I agree that you've done a good job of creating movement in the water and the browns add a nice touch (nice editing too!). Good depth in the top and bottom images. Nice job on the "sun spot" in the bottom image as well. I would suggest adding some darker values in the top image. In the mountain range in the back. If possible, I would introduce a bit of green and blue to that area to help tie in to the other two images on the page. Putting in darker values will help to pull the eye further into the image. I think you've done very well for what you completed in twenty minutes! You've captured enough on your page, that if you not been able to finish on location, you could have finished later with the help of a reference image. Great work, Mamta!
Nice work dear